A2J Week 2024: The Missing Middle: The Rising Cost of Legal Fees for Individuals who do not Qualify for Legal Aid

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The Women's Law Association of Ontario

A2J Week 2024: The Missing Middle: The Rising Cost of Legal Fees for Individuals who do not Qualify for Legal Aid

192 192 people viewed this event.

October 30, 2024

Print Version

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

4:00 – 5:00 p.m. ET

Rehttps://lawsociety.forms-db.com/view.php?id=386702gister here

This panel will discuss the access to justice issues of a growing group of individuals who do not qualify for legal aid but also cannot afford to hire a lawyer.  We will speak to Ms. Needham about her new law firm that is providing an alternative to large, multinational firms.  We will also speak with Bridgepoint financial regarding litigation funding which parties are turning to in order to commence and continue lengthy legal battles.  We will also hear from community legal clinics who provide free legal advice and who have sought intervenor status on issues that affect individuals whose interests may not otherwise be represented.


Peter C. Wardle was elected as Treasurer by the Law Society’s governing body (Convocation) on June 19, 2024 and he took office on June 28, 2024. The Treasurer is the top-elected official of the Law Society, which regulates Ontario’s lawyers and paralegals in the public interest. He is the Law Society’s 70th Treasurer.

Treasurer Wardle served as a bencher from 2011 to 2019 and was re-elected in 2023. He was called to the Bar of Ontario in 1986.

He is a partner with the Commercial and Business Litigation and Professional Liability Practice Groups at Singleton Urquhart Reynolds Vogel LLP. Read more here.

Breanna Needham, Founder & Lawyer at Luceo Legal – alternative fee structures, contract work for other lawyers

Anna Matas, Partner at St. Lawrence Barristers and Chair of Schlifer Clinic – intervenors

Cassandra Fafalios, Mills & Mills LLP – LegalShield program

Amanda Bafaro, Chief Risk officer and GC of Bridgepoint financial- litigation loans in the context of the Drennan v. Drennan decision


Jocelyn Tatebe, President, Women’s Law Association of Ontario (WLAO), holds a B.A., LL.B, B.C.L and CIPP/C. In addition to being the President of WLAO, Jocelyn is a proud member of the Federation of Asian Canadian Lawyers (FACL), Korean Canadian Lawyers Association (KCLA), Toronto Lawyers Association (TLA) and the Ontario Bar Association (OBA). Jocelyn currently practices estate litigation at Mills & Mills LLP. Prior to her current role, Jocelyn worked for 10 years as a civil litigator in the insurance defence bar where she had a particular interest in insurance coverage issues. She has also worked as in-house counsel. Jocelyn has appeared before the Superior Court, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, the License Appeal Tribunal and was counsel for judicial reviews before the Divisional Court.


Date And Time

2024-10-30 @ 04:00 PM to
2024-10-30 @ 05:00 PM


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