As the pre-eminent organization of women lawyers in Ontario, The WLAO is continuously asked by the federal and provincial governments, the Law Society of Ontario, the Ontario and Canadian Bar Associations and other professional organizations to comment on initiatives which may have a particular impact on women lawyers. We regularly solicit the views of all our members on the important proposals on which we are asked to comment. If you want your voice heard on matters which will have a direct impact on your practice and your profession we can make this happen! Join us now to take part in this crucial aspect of our mandate.
To further our purpose of advancing the interests of women in the legal profession we aim to be proactive in bringing issues of particular concern to women lawyers to the attention of those who can address the challenges our members face. We welcome our members’ comments on the areas in which we should expand our advocacy efforts.
We have been speaking out for women lawyers since 1919 and with your involvement our voice will get even stronger.
Equity Advisory Group
The Equity Advisory Group provides advice to the Law Society on equity and diversity issues and is responsible for identifying, reviewing and reporting on issues affecting diverse communities in the legal profession. Members are committed to equality and diversity principles, and have experience in working with issues affecting (but not limited to) communities of racialized individuals, immigrants and refugees, people with disabilities, people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer, questioning or two-spirited (LGBTIQ2S+), Francophones and women.
EAG meets monthly in person or by teleconference and holds ad hoc meetings when working on special projects. Members serve three-year terms. All positions are served on a voluntary basis. For more information on roles, responsibilities and time commitments, please contact [email protected].

A Chief Justice of Ontario’s Advisory Committee on Professionalism
“…to maintain and encourage those aspects of the practice of law that make it a learned and proud profession.”
Composed of representatives of the judiciary, the Law Society, the legal academy and various legal and county law organizations, the Committee acts as a steering committee and a clearinghouse to generate ideas and to make recommendations to other organizations and individuals within the legal community about initiatives to enhance professionalism.