TO BE HELD ON WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2024 at 5:00 p.m.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an annual general meeting of the members (the “Meeting”) of Women’s Law Association of Ontario (the “Association”) will be held by way of an in-person meeting at Lena restaurant, 176 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2L7 for the following purposes:
- To review and adopt the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting of December 11, 2023.
- To receive the report of the President on the work of the Board and the Committees of the Board.
- To review and accept the report of the Treasurer respecting the financial position of the Association.
- To review and pass an extraordinary resolution to not appoint an auditor and to not have a review engagement of the financial statements of the Association.
- To review and pass an extraordinary resolution to retain the accounting firm of Stern Cohen LLP, 45 St. Clair Avenue West, 14th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, as accountants to assist in preparation of the financial statements, tax returns and GST/HST returns of the Association and to authorize the directors to set the remuneration payable to Stern Cohen LLP.
- To pass a resolution to change the official address of the WLAO to the address of the law firm Blaney McMurtry LLP which is located at 2 Queen St E #1500, Toronto, ON M5C 3G5.
- To confirm the election of all new Directors until the 2026 Annual General Meeting (AGM) and existing, active Directors until the 2025 AGM.
- To ratify the actions of the Board since the last annual general meeting.
- To authorize the Board to transact other business as may be properly before it; and,
- To transact any other business as may properly be brought before the Meeting.
DATED at Toronto, Ontario, this 25th day of October 2024
Jocelyn Tatebe
PresidentRemember: You must be a member in good standing to participate. If you are uncertain of your status please renew now and membership will be valid for one year. A member who is unable to attend the Meeting may, by proxy, appoint another member to vote on their behalf. Anyone intending to vote by proxy is asked to advise the President of their intention to do so by November 1, 2024 to: [email protected]